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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

Mar 6, 2024
Selling your home can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, navigating the process can feel overwhelming if you're not prepared. To ensure a smooth and successful sale, it's crucial......

Property selling times

Aug 3, 2011
How long does it take to find a buyer? Finding a buyer for a property will depend primarily on two factors: Current market conditions The effectiveness of your property marketing and......

Top tips to prepare your home

Aug 3, 2011
Kerb appeal: What can prospective buyers see from the road? A viewer will get their first impression when they initially glimpse your property from the road outside. Make this a good first......

The psychology of selling – how the senses can help you sell your home

Dec 15, 2015
Selling your home is about so much more than giving it a tidy and making it look pretty. To get the price you want, you need your viewers to feel that this home could be theirs. After all, wasn’t......

When’s the best time of year to sell my home?

Jan 14, 2016
If you want to sell your home quickly and for the highest price possible, then preparation is vital. You’ve likely already thought about clearing out the clutter, smartening up the front of your......

Selling Your House Fast - How To Sell Your Home Fast

May 17, 2018
  How to sell your house as fast as possible Buying a home is one of the most stressful things you will ever do… but don’t let that put you off. You might even have bought property......