Sold prices in W13 9YR

Area info, specific search results, and unique insights.

W13 9YR summary

The bottom dots represent local averages. Period is 5 years.

2 sold £273,000 avg price £4,869 avg psqm

W13 market summary

  • Value
    The average price in W13 is currently £694,902. That's 144.3% higher than the national average of £284,464.
  • PSQM
    The average price per square metre is currently £7,347, which is 167.5% higher than the national average of £2,747.
View area guide

Frequently asked questions about W13 9YR

What is the most common property type in W13 9YR?

The type distribution in W13 9YR is as follows:

Detached: None
Terraced: None
Semi-Detached: None
Flats: 31

What is the most expensive sale made on W13 9YR?

The most expensive sale recorded is Flat 45 Target House 69 Sherwood Close, London which sold for £277,000 on Nov 17, 2022. The property is in tax band C. The property has a price per square metre of £6,925 psqm, which is -6% lower than the area average.