Sold prices in BN1 8RA

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BN1 8RA summary

The bottom dots represent local averages. Period is 5 years.

10 sold £3,782 avg psqm

BN1 market summary

  • Value
    The average price in BN1 is currently £416,116. That's 46.3% higher than the national average of £284,464.
  • PSQM
    The average price per square metre is currently £5,006, which is 82.2% higher than the national average of £2,747.
View area guide

14 properties in BN1 8RA.

Frequently asked questions about BN1 8RA

What is the most common property type in BN1 8RA?

The type distribution in BN1 8RA is as follows:

Detached: 34
Terraced: None
Semi-Detached: 1
Flats: 2

What is the most expensive sale made on BN1 8RA?

The most expensive sale recorded is 26 Mackie Avenue, Brighton which sold for £450,000 on Jan 13, 2017. The property is in tax band E. The property has a price per square metre of £5,473 psqm, which is 9% higher than the area average.