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Know Your Rights To Extend: Our Buying And Extending Guide


When buying a house for expansion, it's important to do your research. The Mouseprice team has compiled a handy checklist to help you along the way.

Follow the tips below to ensure you're making the right move, whether you're looking to expand your living space, get on the property ladder, or simply want the flexibility of extending your home.

Start With Your Permitted Development Rights
A lot of jargon is used in the area of property and property development, and that can be confusing for some people. Our objective is to help you understand the terminology you need to know and what it all entails when it comes to extending.

The government established permitted development rights as a way for you, the homeowner, to extend or renovate your home without a full planning application.


What Are The Rules?
There are some extensions that do not require planning permission under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. Nevertheless, it is important to note that this all depends on what kind of extension you wish to build, where the property is located, and whether the local planning authority approves the project.
When Does Planning Permission Not Apply?
In most cases, no planning permission is required so long as the following apply:

⦁ The extension is not positioned at the front of the property;
⦁ The extension covers no more than half of the land surrounding the original build;
⦁ The extension if a single storey and to the rear does not extend beyond the rear wall of the original property by more than 3m;
⦁ The extension does not exceed the highest part of the roof;
⦁ The extension is single storey and less than 4m high;
⦁ A two-storey extension does not extend past the rear wall of the original property by over 3m;
⦁ There are no balconies, verandas, or a raised platform.
⦁ A two-storey extension are no more than 7m at the rear boundary;
⦁ The materials used for constructing the extension are similar to the existing house;

Homeowners have more flexibility than ever before with the scheme after it was expanded to cover larger projects last year in 2021. In any case, if you are planning to develop or extend your house, you will need to follow the rules.
Are there restrictions on permitted development rights?

Although you have permitted development rights, there are still some restrictions and regulations to keep in mind. The scheme continues to expand, but design guidelines are still of great importance. So, if you're planning an extension, it's generally best to hire an architect who has experience.
Should I get a lawful development certificate?

In the first instance, obtaining a lawful development certificate is imperative. At the time of construction, your project will be proved legal with this certificate. You can also ensure that your local planners can review your own or your architect's extension plans.

What are the advantages of a development certificate?

When it comes to reselling your property, your potential buyers will want to see a list of the improvements to the property. By having the certificate prepared and ready to present, you’ll be in a better position to sell without any hurdles.

What about building regulations packages?

Each home in the U.K. has to follow the building regulations that are set out by law. These statutory requirements explain every aspect of planning from fire safety to thermal insulation. If you don’t have this package ready to present when required, you won’t be able to build an extension.

How can I avoid issues with my building regulations package?

Make sure your project is within the building regulations set out by the U.K. government to avoid any issues down the line. We advise finding a contractor who can create technical drawings of your extension plan so that you meet all of the legal requirements in place and you can see what has been planned with clarity
Your Planning Permission Options To Consider Before Buying

If you are putting an offer in for a property that you intend to extend, there are two options for planning permission applications. We’ve included information on both below so that you can decide which works best for your needs.

If you wish to buy a property with the plan to extend it, you can make a planning permission application after your offer has been accepted by the homeowner. It can be challenging to acquire all of the information required to submit a planning permission application, so do factor in this additional time.

Your other option is to put an offer in for the property based on whether planning permission is granted to you. This option is definitely lower risk as you won’t have to purchase the property until you know whether you can build an extension.

Planning Issues And What To Do

It is always a good idea to think ahead when it comes to preparing for potential issues. In the case of extending a property, a lot could potentially go wrong. Have your solutions ready to make sure that you aren’t set back on time or costs should they arise.

To minimise stress at any point we advise contacting the planning department of your local council to discuss your extension plans. They will be able to provide any advice and will offer you a free pre-planning consultation which is going to be very handy.

The advice is always provided by the planning department without prejudice. This means that you won’t face any legal implications should your extension plan be rejected.
We Can Help You Buy To Extend

If you are looking to buy a property and construct an extension onto the house, MousePrice can assist you. Our friendly team works closely with buyers to find the best properties on the market with extension rights.

Whether you want to build your dream family home or you are on the property ladder as a developer our agents are here to help. Contact our team today to start your buying journey.

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